Yeppers. It's finally Friday. And can I just say that I have the best children ever? Friday is our "rest" day - the day where we don't usually have anything planned. I thought we might have something to go to tonight, but the child who was contemplating auditioning for a show decided that he didn't really want to, so it got taken off of the schedule. I wasn't super disappointed in that - we'd just recently added back in music lessons after taking a few months off after our move, and I am trying hard to find a solid balance between "must do" and "like to do". But, anyways, why do I have the best children ever?
Because this:
At the suggestion of my oldest Circus clown, I am sitting in the sun at Starbucks, enjoying a chance to write a quick blog post and drink a cup of coffee while it was hot. We got back into town after 5 days away and went immediately into a call shift for Mike (which means he's gone for a whole week), so I've been trying to get back into the grove of a school week, new gymnastics practice schedules, chores, and take care of myself. I very much needed an hour or so to myself with no interruptions. So, yeah, my children rock.
How about a quick run down of the things that have been swirling through my mind over the last week, but I've been unable to develop into individual blog posts because, well, there just hasn't been a good chance to? Sound good? Great! Let's go!
1. First up - Katie over at Kitchen Stewardship has graciously asked the Circus to write up a blog on what living with a child who has Down syndrome is like and what we've learned from it. Never one to turn down a chance to teach people about our crazy life with Mr T, I said yes! Check it out here!
2. Next up....our trip. We were in Grand Rapids, MI, for the USA Weightlifting National Championships. Overall, it was a great experience. The kids had a blast, and it was really cool to see something at a national level - they had kids in their groups from all over the country. It was a nice weekend at a nice hotel, and Mike's parents even managed to come down and join us for it. We met up with friends from my online moms' group, and just really enjoyed ourselves. The only struggle I had was with a comment made to Mr G as he was weighing in for his competition (they are split into weight categories to compete). He was 0.2 kg too heavy for one category (which we knew and had already registered him for the next one up), and the official who was manning the scale joked that "You should have just skipped dinner last night so you could make weight!". I struggle with this, big time, and it honestly makes me worry about letting them continue lifting and competing. I know that weight is such a big deal at these things, and I don't want them to develop an unhealthy relationship with food because of it. At the same time, they're really enjoying themselves, so I don't want to tell them that they can't continue, too. It's a messy place to parent from. Luckily, I'm pretty sure that all of us adults in their lives are on the same page with it, and while it might hurt them down the road to not play those games, I think that's a risk we're all willing to take. I don't want either of the clowns to see skipping meals as a beneficial strategy for competition.
3. Now that we're back, we're home for about a month before we hit the road again on another adventure. Soooo...we're still doing school. I don't really mind (but I think the kids do). I prefer to keep a rhythm at our house, instead of going into summer chaos. And I hate doing review work at the beginning of the year. I'd much rather skip those review lessons and just keep chugging along. Our solution is to take the last 8 weeks of school or so, and do 1 week's worth of work over a 2 week time period, starting in May. That gives us May - September of easy weeks so that we still have a lot of time to explore and have fun, but if I need routine, we can do routine. (it also gives us something to do in the car and on rainy summer days). I appreciate that the requirements are different in the state we live in now vs the one we moved from, because I don't feel the need to fudge our "start/end" dates like I did there. Year-round schooling is what fits us, and it's much easier to do here.
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Scared of my strength workout |
4. As some of you know from FB, I started working with an exercise coach a little over a week ago. I've got almost two weeks' worth of workouts under my belt down, and I'm really enjoying it. I don't see super huge progress yet (but I didn't expect to) in the way of pictures or measurements, but I *do* see huge progress in my ability. Each workout gets a little bit easier and I get a little bit stronger. I definitely recommend checking something like an exercise coach out if you feel like you're in a rut. I can send you the info if you're interested!
5. In a little over a month, we'll be heading out again for a long weekend - first to see Lion King (the broadway show) as a Christmas gift to my in laws, and then to go to Cedar Point with the kids. It's been 18ish years since I've been there - what do I need to know? The big boys, especially, are chomping at the bit to go - they *CANNOT WAIT* to go explore the rollercoasters. The park is conveniently located at almost exactly halfway between where we used to live and where we live now, so we're meeting the older boys' three best friends and their families at the park. I think the kiddos are just as excited about that time with their friends as they are the roller coasters! For those of you who are CP experts, what is there to do with littler ones? What should I know? TIA!

7. This one is percolating in my head for a further blog post, but I've been thinking a lot about one of the reactions/comments I often get when sharing weight loss or anything like that. I get told that I "look so much younger!" or am "aging in reverse!" While part of that is simply just the fact that I do have the ability to take care of myself right now and do things like get my hair cut or wash my face, I've been surprised by how many people have mentioned it. I do definitely appreciate it - I'm not getting any younger, and while I've never been one to really focus on looks and make up and clothes and stuff like that, I'm finding myself wishing that I'd at least done a better job taking care of my skin. I guess I should have paid more attention to things like the sun when I was younger. It has made me think a lot about how we all seem to want to fight the getting older process - one quick walk through the health and beauty section of target shows us the bajillion creams and washes and potions for looking younger. That doesn't even take into account the tons of MLM options out there. We just all want to not show our age, for some reason. I won't lie, when I get that compliment, I do feel better about myself, even as I remember telling people that I didn't want to stress about aging, because it happens to everyone.... It's a weird thing to experience. I like the comments, which makes me want to keep them coming, which makes me want to research things to reverse my sun spots or firm up those wrinkles around my mouth and eyes....but I also don't want to fight the inevitable, you know? I don't want to chase after this fountain of youth, even as I get closer and closer to my 40s, and start to realize that whether I like it or not, I'm not immortal. It's a lot to think about, what's behind those comments. Our desire for everlasting youth. What are your thoughts?
Alright, I've rambled long enough, and I should probably head back home. The lawn won't mow itself, and while dinner is up to the kiddos tonight (it's just homemade pizza, so totally something they can all do!), I need to be home to supervise the oven being used.
Have a great weekend, y'all. If Miss R actually SLEEPS for me one of these nights, I'll actually write up more than a quick takes blog post! There's lots to talk about!
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