Saturday, February 7, 2015

Motion sensor lights, the dress, and random Saturday chaos

Mike's still skiing, so today is a gymnastics marathon for me. Round one is over, and we're back home letting Ruthie and Theo sleep, and I'll head back with the three littles to pick Joseph and Graham up at 4.   But now, I'm sitting at the computer with my afternoon hot cup of coffee and Nicholas is sitting behind me, making me a necklace out of random beads that I picked up at the craft store.  Life is good....
In case you were jealous, or thought life was always smooth sailing at the Circus....let me tell you about our morning out and about....

We went to Target and Chipotle between Nicholas' gym pick up and J/G's gym drop off. At Chipotle, I let Nicholas go to the bathroom by himself (he had to poop apparently) because it's a single toilet and it was right in my eyesight. Apparently, though, the light is a motion sensor one and it turned off while he was pooping.   Poor guy FREAKED OUT. I could hear him screaming 'I CAN'T SEEEEE!" over the music and lunch rush, it was that loud. Trying to explain to him that I just needed him to wave his arms around and the lights would turn back on through the door WHILE he was screaming was quite fun (and I'm sure extremely entertaining for the staff). He'd locked the door, so one staff member was trying to get me the key but hadn't returned yet, and he just wouldn't stop saying "But why?!?!? I don't get it. I can't seeeeee!!!" and just DO it. Sigh. This child has to understand EV.ER.Y.THING before he'll do it. He's honestly super smart and thinks like an engineer, and most of the time that's okay (like when we do physics experiments at the grocery store because he wants to know WHY the cart keeps moving when he lets go..or I draw a nerve cell on a napkin during dinner because he wants to know WHY he can feel something when it touches his arm and a simple "momentum" or "nerves" isn't a good enough answer), but sometimes, oy vey. Today was one of those "oh my gosh just DO it it doesn't matter why" times, haha.

Do you know how hard it was to NOT laugh when he finally came out?   Poor guy was all red faced and had tear streaks on his cheeks, so I obviously couldn't laugh at him (because I'm not really all that motivated to win "Mommy of the Year" for 2015.  2014 was enough....), but my gosh, it was kind of priceless.     I've been told that I did a similar thing in the bathroom on an airplane once and was crazy upset, but I don't remember it at all.  Either I successfully blocked the memory or I was just too young to really retain it....hoping the same is true for him!

I think I finally finished Theo's finalization paperwork last night.  I need to photocopy his passport and birth certificate from his home country, but that's it.  I think.  My gosh, that paperwork was cumbersome.   And repetitive.  Please tell me WHY I had to answer (in long answer/essay format) things like his cultural/ethnic background when all of that is IN THE HOMESTUDY that they're also requiring?    You know, the same homestudy they already have copies of?  Sigh.   It was a hard month trying to get it done when my brain felt like it was in a fog of sick kids and no sleep to begin with, but I think it's ready to be dropped off on Monday.  Fingers crossed that this part of the process goes smoothly.  I'd love to go visit family in Canada this summer......

Let's see...what else?

Oh, right!  My dress came.  I'm happy with it - it's crazy comfortable, and I think it's cute.   What do you think?

I moved my legs just as Nicholas was snapping the picture, so ignore the blur at the bottom, but it's the best I can do when my assistants are all 10 or under.....

Alright, I think I need to get some work done before we head back out again to pick up the big kids, or else I'm going end up working way too hard tonight after bedtime!   Have a great rest of your weekend, y'all!

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